This program explains why focusing on treating diseases, and more especially basing those treatments simply on a disease name, doesn't work in restoring health. At best it results in temporary relief. Diseases and their accompanying symptoms are effects…
This Sunshine Product training focuses on the three major glands that regulate metabolism—the thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands. It also provides some suggests for the pineal and pituitary glands. The reproductive system is covered separately. We…
In this episode of Seeking Light and Truth, I talk about why I think parenting is a delightful job. It's because I gained the knowledge and practiced the skills needed to be an effective parent. I explain what I learned and how I applied it. Here's…
It’s a little understood fact that health is primarily dependent on energy—electrical energy. You are an electrical being and your health depends on a steady flow of electrons to operate the various processes of your body. The level of electrical…
The body runs off of electrical energy and electrical potential, which is carried in an alkaline solution. When the body needs to repair damaged tissue in acute inflammation, the pH rises and so does the electrical potential. If there isn't enough electrical…
This Sunshine Product Training covers products that aid the various imbalances in the respiratory system, which includes addressing respiratory irritation (hayfever, rhinitis, bronchitis, etc.), respiratory dampness (mucus congestion), respiratory depression…
This webinar forms a bridge between our discussion of justice, morality, the Golden Rule, common law and inalienable rights to applying these ideas to interpersonal relationships. It's about the choice between using force to get our way in relationships…
In this episode of The Higher Perspective, I talk about the difference between positive and negative thinking and why you can't heal if you don't believe you can get well.
Gut-Brain Connection
January 28, 2025
The health of the gut affects the health of the brain,…
Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025
Secrets to a Long Life
March 25, 2025
What we can learn about health from the world's blue zones
Autoimmune Disorders
April 29, 2025
When the body's immune system aims at the wrong target
Solving Thyroid Problems
May 27, 2025
Natural approaches to correcting hypothyroid, Hashimoto's…
Health in the Bones
June 24, 2025
Natural approaches to supporting the health of the…