Our first class in the new Sunshine Product training will cover NSP's circulatory system herbs and formulas. Handouts and the PowerPoint presentation may be downloaded from this page. We'll cover six categories of remedies and the indications for each…
Nitric oxide (NO) is a simple molecule composed of one atom of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen. It is highly reactive and only lasts a few seconds in the body after it is created, but it plays a critical role in overall health because of its ability to…
This is a free overview of the new webinar we're offering in our member program for 2019. We'll be going through the NSP product line system by system using the new ABC+D Charts and discussing the various therapeutic slots in each category. We'll talk…
The world is filled with conflicting opinions and disagreement. The data and lines of reasoning people use to support their positions often are often confusing and contradictory, too. How do we tell truth from error? How do we recognize what is true from…
Every time your body is injured, it responds to the damage with inflammation. It doesn’t matter how the injury happened, whether it got cut, punctured, twisted, banged, smashed, scraped, burned, frozen, infected or poisoned, the response is the same.…
Our world today is filled with contention and division. It is hard to discuss anything, especially on the internet, without things devolving into a personal attack.People's minds are largely closed and their hearts are largely hardened. What do I mean…
Fats have a bad reputation, both for making people fat and for being bad for your health. Low fat or no fat is associated with health in the minds of many people. However, this anti-fat propaganda doesn’t affect the way many Americans eat, as fried…
This will be the second webinar I've done on this topic. In the first, The Mind-Body Connection (February 2015), I went through parts of the body, starting at the feet and ending at the head, and discussed the kinds of mental and emotional issues…
Gut-Brain Connection
January 28, 2025
The health of the gut affects the health of the brain,…
Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025
Secrets to a Long Life
March 25, 2025
What we can learn about health from the world's blue zones
Autoimmune Disorders
April 29, 2025
When the body's immune system aims at the wrong target
Solving Thyroid Problems
May 27, 2025
Natural approaches to correcting hypothyroid, Hashimoto's…
Health in the Bones
June 24, 2025
Natural approaches to supporting the health of the…